Read all our launch tips and insights on the blog
The Secret to Effortless Sales
The number 1 thing that most online entrepreneurs want to know how to do is make more sales. By implementing the buyer journey into your content and marketing that is when we hit gold! So what is the buyer journey, what do you need to be aware of when it comes to it and how can you start to bring it into your content?
How To Navigate Slow Sales In Your Launch
You’ve spent weeks and months pouring all your attention into creating your offer and getting all your launch pieces together, open cart has hit and the tsunami of sales that you were hoping for hasn’t quite happened. Here are my top tips for what to do during the open cart lull to make sure that you can get back on track.
What List Builder Should I Use For My Launch?
One of the key elements of having a successful launch is making sure that you have a nurtured and engaged audience and email list. The best way to do that is through a lead magnet - but what is this and what do you need to consider when building one?
Should I Start a Membership Community?
Memberships are a one to many offer that allow you to give your audience access to premium content at an affordable cost but you might be wondering will this model work for me?
How long should my launch runway be?
You’re excited to get your new offer out there but you’ve heard that a good launch can take up to 12 weeks to do but you’re wondering if that is really the case? Couldn’t you just put this out there tomorrow and get sales?
Building Anticipation: Pre-launch Marketing Strategies To Try Out
Clients are always asking ‘Is there a way to have easy launches?’ and the answer I give is there are definitely ways to have ‘easier’ launches and a lot of it comes down to all the work and marketing efforts you are putting into before you even launch.
Unleashing Potential: How Online Courses Ignited My Personal Development
This surge in online education isn't just a statistical phenomenon; I've witnessed this growth happen time and time again in the results that my clients get when launching their offers. But it isn’t just this experience that has fed my love of the industry - the truth is that I have always been someone who loves to learn, and so having the whole world to learn from is so incredibly appealing to me!
Navigating Tech Overwhelm: Software Essentials for a Successful Launch
In this article I share the essential softwares I recommend at whatever stage of launching you are at!
Overcoming Launch Burnout: Self-Care Tips for Entrepreneurs
Launching should be exciting - not tipping you over the edge to burnout. Having been part of 100’s of launches here are my top self-care tips for avoiding and overcoming launch burnout.
The Most Underrated Launch Strategy
Want ‘easier’ launches? Then creating a waitlist strategy is the way for you to go. Find out more about the waitlist strategy and our top tips for making your waitlist do all the heavy lifting in your next launch.
2024 Launch Industry Trends
The golden years of online selling are gone! But this is not a bad thing! Instead view this as an opportunity to shine as an authentic business that has huge value and impact to bring to the table. Here are some of the things you have to be picking up on to last in 2024.
The 3 Types of Email Sequences You Need to Focus on During Your Launch
Think the only emails you have to focus on during your launch are your sales emails? Think again! To have a fully rounded launch there are actually 3 types of email sequences that you need to work on.
Is it Possible to Build a Successful Business Without Subscribing to Hustle Culture?
I have had these conversations over and over - both with myself and with clients and colleagues over the years. What is necessary for building a successful online business? Is it possible to create something remarkable without subscribing to the hustle culture? Is working minimal hours and creating millions actually possible?
Is Your Constant ‘Creativity’ Slowing Down Your Business Growth?
When faced with slow sales, how often do you find yourself instinctively thinking that the solution is to create a new offer or service for your audience?
While on the surface this approach seems completely aligned with the creative entrepreneurial spirit, have you ever stopped to ask yourself if all this jumping around is actually slowing down your business growth?
Unlocking the Secret to Launching Without Burning Out
You love being in front of your audience and engaging with them but you’re just not sure if the chaos of launching is really for you. Here’s the truth: whenever you put a new offer out there, no matter how big or small you do it or the method that you use you will always be ‘launching’.
Here are 5 tips to help you unlock the secret to launching without burnout.
How To Diagnose What’s Not Working in Your Launch
It can be disheartening when after working night and day over a new offer launch things don’t go quite as you expected! There is a really clear framework that I recently learnt that can help you quickly and easily pinpoint what’s not working in your launch so that you can focus on that area specifically for the next time!
The Key Metrics You Should be Measuring During Your Launch
You’ve been staying up late, working long hours and planning your launch. It’s your absolute baby and you can’t wait to put your offer out there into the world. But amongst all the excitement it’s important to make sure that you’re tracking some key metrics so that you can not only measure your progress and success but also see where you can do better next time
Being a woman who wants more
Always craving more, constantly seeking growth in both personal and business realms. Yet, overwhelmed, guilty, and pulled in countless directions while striving to please everyone but myself. My entrepreneurial journey has revealed invaluable insights, mirrored by the incredible clients I serve.
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